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Trodat 4729 Printy Dater, Rectangular

Trodat 4729 Printy Dater, Rectangular

Trodat 4729 Printy Dater, Rectangular

List Price:   $ 56.30
Price:   $ 45.04

SKU(s): TR4729, TR4729


Trodat 4729 Printy Rectangular dater with 1-3/16" x 2" text plate.
Climate-neutral. As standard.

Available ink colors: black, red, blue, green and violet

Trodat 4729 Printy Rectangular dater with 1-3/16" x 2" text plate, date size 5/32".
Minimized CO2 footprint.
Climate-neutral due to investments in Gold Standard climate protection projects recommended by the WWF®.
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